
Independent of the Month - Impossible Bar and Pink Room

Independent of the Month - Impossible Bar and Pink Room


We have a fabulous collaboration for the whole of February with Impossible and the Pink Room on York's St Helen's Square.

Here are the details:

- Order a special cocktail at either bar for 10% off a large bottle of York Gin in our shop.

- Buy a large bottle in our shop for 10% off the special cocktails at Impossible and the Pink Room.

Details of the special cocktails:

Pink Room: York Gin Rhubarb Cocktail with cherry blossom.

sakura spring- ocktail with York Gin Rhubarb

Impossible: Terry’s Truth Cocktail - York Gin Chocolate & Orange, Mozart Dark, Creme de Menthe and Impossible’s secret Terry’s mix.

Just show a receipt to enjoy either deal. We hope you'll enjoy a discounted cocktail or two and discounted bottle or two!

Terry's Truth York Gin Chocolate & Orange Cocktail

About Impossible

Impossible Restaurant & Wonderbar York is the latest modern addition to St Helen’s Square, in the very heart of York.

This beautiful Grade II listed building was Terry's the chocolate and sweet maker's HQ in York.

It's less than a five-minute stroll from the York Gin shop on Pavement. 

Note Opening times: Impossible Bar and the Pink Room are open Thursday - Sunday in February.


The gorgeous Impossible Bar

Impossible Bar on St Helen's Square

The stunning Pink Room


Get York Gin cocktails at Pink on St Helens square at Impossible


Impossible Bar and Pink Room

3 St Helen's Square, York YO1 8QN


Terms and Conditions

Offer at the discretion of York Gin/York Drinks Ltd and Impossible/Pink Bars.

Can be revoked at any time. Runs until 28 February 2025.

Not available in conjunction with any other discounts. Available on York Gin products only.

31st Jan 2025 York Gin

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