
Craft Gin Club members love York Gin says new research

Craft Gin Club members love York Gin says new research

Members of the Craft Gin Club loved York Gin as their Gin of the Month in March, new research shows.

Each month, the club asks its members for their feedback online about the gin and the extra treats they receive.

Their boffins then analyse the data to see what they thought.

(These answers are far more honest than face-to-face research - as people are more likely to say how they really feel.)

Responses to the special edition York Gin Jorvik Spring showed:

  • Over 40% of Craft Gin Club members who responded to the survey rated it as 10/10; over 86% gave it 8, 9 or 10 out of 10.
  • Almost half of those who responded to the survey gave the bottle’s branding a 10/10 score.
  • Nearly three-quarters of those who responded to the survey said they were 'likely' or 'very likely' to buy this gin again.

'Delighted with these amazing scores'

York Gin's Head of Sales, Adam Cook, said: 'We knew York Gin Jorvik Spring was delicious, but we're still absolutely delighted with these amazing scores. Craft Gin Club members know their gin and have very high standards, so these scores are just brilliant.'

Comments about the branding included:

  • ‘Loving this bottle and labelling as much as I love the gin.’
  • 'We love it! We are originally from York so a special box this month!’
  • 'Very arty looking, looks lovely on my shelf and stands out as being something a little bit special.’

And some of the hundreds of positive comments about the gin included:

  • ‘Well balanced & smooth.’
  • ‘Very smooth, went down far too easy.’
  • 'Very fresh, beautiful flavours just to my liking.’
  • 'One of the best gins we have received from the club and the only one we have re-ordered.’
  • 'It is a lovely gin to drink, a very nice taste to it.’
  • 'Fantastic gin - so easy to drink and refreshing .’
  • 'York Gin has always been a favourite of mine. They never disappoint.’

Huge new audience across the UK

Being Gin of the Month introduced the brand to a huge new audience - with nearly 50,000 bottles landing on doorsteps of gin lovers all across the UK throughout March.

The campaign had a reach of 1.4 million including people reading the monthly Ginned! magazine, reading about York Gin on the Craft Gin Club website and receiving their emails.

York Gin is now a proud member of the Craft Gin Club Family of Distillers.

Watch out for special releases and collaborations with this fantastic club in the future.

More gin-fo to help you get the most from your gin

Gin garnish guide

How to choose the best gin for you

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What is gin and what are the different types of gin

A short history of gin and the G&T

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17th May 2023 York Gin

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